Luckily my viva turned out to be nowhere near as bad as I was dreading it might be. Due to some fortuitous scheduling I was able to have Professor John Henderson of
As it turned out in the viva, he appeared to appreciate my approach and my thesis in general. After only an hour of discussion, most of which at a high level of issues arising from and related to by thesis John and my internal examiner (Professor Keith Stenning) decided to recommend that I be awarded a Ph.D. with only minor corrections (giving me one month to do these). This is essentially the best result you can hope for from a viva. I was stunned, to say the least.
I want to say a huge thank you to John and Keith for agreeing to examine me on my thesis, to read the massive document, provide me with feedback on it, and take time out of their busy schedules (in John’s case, super busy) to examine me. I also want to thank John Lee, my primary supervisor for is help in getting to this point and organising the viva and Helen Pain, my second supervisor for reading my thesis multiple times, grilling me in a mock viva, and being there during my real viva. Thank you everyone.
The best part of my viva success for any interested readers out there is that this means I am able to make my thesis available to you. I will post a pdf copy of my thesis on this blog in the next few days. There are a few minor corrections I have to make first but once they are done I’ll post it here.